Winter Solstice Meditation: Harmonizing With the Energy of the Winter Season, Part 2

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In Part 1 of this two-part blog post series, I shared a special meditation designed to help you connect with the unique rhythm of this winter season.

When we make a space to do this, no matter whether its a two minute meditation in the car after work, for several hours on a wilderness wander, or at a seasonal celebration, we create an essential checkpoint with Nature.

This moment is a chance to connect the story that’s moving inside of us with the living story of the land and the beings that dwell around us. Moments of presence like this give our internal story an “upgrade” that syncs with what’s really happening now. Seasonal celebrations are one traditional way to ensure this syncing happens.

Consider Your Intention

As the solstice approaches and we reach the longest night of the year (here in the North), we can make a special time to attune to the light within us and consider how we will shine that light forward in the coming year.

Then, as the length of each day increases, we can move forward each day more strongly into our visions and dreams, in tune with the light they shine forward on our paths.

As you drift into dreams on the night of the solstice, consider what’s calling you forward in your life. What do you want to create, experience, or learn about in the year to come? What makes your light shine?

Hold whatever it is in your heart and mind as you fall asleep, setting the intention that this light will come to life in this new solar year.

Meditation – Building Energy with the Solstice

Now I must include a “nature note” here. Beginning on the solstice and for several days thereafter, the Sun appears to rise and set in roughly the same spot on the horizon. In the Northern climates, the Sun is now rising and setting to the south of true east (for rise) and west (for set).

After a “pause” of several days, the Sun then begins its incremental progress northwards on the horizon each day, eventually reaching its rise and set in the true east and west on the spring solstice (and the reverse of all this is true in the southern hemisphere).

Each day during this “pause”, spend some time building your intentions for the new year. Keep envisioning these dreams coming to life, nourishing them with your attention like a seed in the soil being watered to burst forth with life. Give five minutes to this meditation each day, for three days beyond the solstice.

Then, as the Sun begins its walk once again on the horizon, release your intentions and begin your own journey into action as you step into your dream for the year, in tune and harmonized with the expanding energy of Nature.

Follow Josh Lane:

Author of the book, Conscious Nature: The Art & Neuroscience of Meditating in Nature, Josh has mentored and trained people of all ages around the world for the past twenty years in the inner and outer arts of mindful, whole-being connection with Nature. He is frequently seen practicing Tai Chi Ch'uan or playing various random stringed instruments, sleuthing forest mysteries, and generally mucking about on a little-known fringe planet called Earth, located somewhere in the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Bringing forward a depth of experience from his journeys in the realms of ancient Earth connection skills, Qi Gong, and meditation, Josh’s vision is to help bridge the healing power of Nature into the modern experience, enlivening creativity and well-being through a conscious, primal connection with the Earth.