Autumn on the Mindful Radio Show

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As we transition from summer into autumn, we have a wonderful opportunity to observe how the cycle of Nature is teaching us about change in our own lives. What’s happening on the outer landscape throughout the year is also reflected within us on many internal levels.

Autumn Leaves Over the Creek (c) Josh Lane

To feel more consciously connected with Nature throughout the wheel of the year, we can make space to mindfully pause and connect with the changing sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations of the season. When we do this, we also discover a point of connection that helps us reflect on what’s changing now in our inner landscapes, and how to navigate forward in harmony with Nature’s energy.

These themes and more were explored during my visit with Kingston Radio host Shawn Harrison, on the September 22nd 2019 episode of Mindful. This was my second visit with the show, and we had a chance to go deeper into some of the skills and practices from my book, Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating In Nature, as they relate to the autumn season.

Mindful Episode #75 Autumn with Conscious Nature author Josh Lane

Check out the Mindful Episode #75 recording on the Radio Kingston site and discover:

  • Practices in Nature for finding stillness in the midst of motion
  • Sensory invitations of the autumn season to connect with the patterns of the land and animals
  • Hear a reading from my book, Conscious Nature, on the practice of finding a Meditation Spot and what happened during one of my first wilderness solos
  • Enjoy a Seasonal Meditation to attune to the power of the Autumn for releasing old patterns and preparing for intentional change as you move forward into what’s emerging now

This was a really fun conversation, with some helpful tools and strategies you can apply right away to support your connection with the Nature within and around you!

Deepen Your Journey Into Nature

Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating In Nature by Josh Lane

Discover more practices for connecting to the Nature within and around you in Josh’s book, Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating in Nature

Experience mindful meditations for connecting more deeply with the Nature within and around you

Expand your senses as you relax into Nature’s patterns

Feel more at home in the outdoors, and more grounded in your body wherever you go

Learn how to harness the Five Key Brainstates of Awareness for well-being and creativity

Follow Josh Lane:

Author of the book, Conscious Nature: The Art & Neuroscience of Meditating in Nature, Josh has mentored and trained people of all ages around the world for the past twenty years in the inner and outer arts of mindful, whole-being connection with Nature. He is frequently seen practicing Tai Chi Ch'uan or playing various random stringed instruments, sleuthing forest mysteries, and generally mucking about on a little-known fringe planet called Earth, located somewhere in the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Bringing forward a depth of experience from his journeys in the realms of ancient Earth connection skills, Qi Gong, and meditation, Josh’s vision is to help bridge the healing power of Nature into the modern experience, enlivening creativity and well-being through a conscious, primal connection with the Earth.